Friday, August 10, 2012

Breaking Free

After the panic attack made my hands go numb I gave up trying to ignore it. I said, "Okay, fine. Let's boogie. Let's do this. Let's rumble, asshole! Do you seriously think you can kill somebody like me? Because I have several lifetimes behind me and before me that say otherwise! BRING IT ON."

And the feeling returned to my hands and I cried a few victorious tears and then I blogged about it.

Because that's how it's done in the twenty-first century.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gratitude and Forgiveness

"I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind.  I should not be ungrateful to these teachers." - Kahlil Gibran

Apparently, part of the process of reclaiming one's life from a traumatic experience involves recalling anything positive you might have taken away from it. When I was given this advice, I remember thinking "What the....??!! The only thing I've gotten is a wasted decade and the desire to purchase a flame thrower!"

But then I got to thinking about the deeper meaning. Here's the thing: You can dwell all you want to on the bad things that somebody did to you yesterday, last week, last century....have you managed to turn the clock back yet? Or have you just managed to pick up where your abuser left off? I say, enough already!

Instead, why not be grateful for discovering how strong you can be? You have more compassion for others because you know what it feels like to be hurt. You are more open-minded because you have seen first-hand the stupidity of the closed mind. You have run the gauntlet of absurdity, sense of humor intact. So be grateful to the universe that these damaged people came into your life and turned you into a survivor....with a really good Bull$**t detector!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Interior Designer

You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I live in the lap of luxury.  We refined people of taste and breeding know better than to brag, but for my vast crowd of admirers I am willing to bend the rules.

Yes, I have an interior designer, and let me tell you, darling, he is priceless!  His creativity is sheer genius.  Of course, he has been given artistic carte blanche.  What else could one do? 

Who knew that Captain America stickers would look so fantastic on the recliner, the kitchen wall, the carpet, and the dog? Or that the end table in the living room becomes a handy TV-viewing nook when flipped on its side? A few scribbles with a ballpoint pen add a personal touch to the computer monitor screensaver.  Couch cushions can become NASA ejection pods or a bridge across shark-infested waters. 

There is a trampoline in my bedroom.  Apparently it's been there the whole time.  Again, who knew?

An entire roll of Scotch tape is just what my bedroom door needed.  No refrigerator is complete unless one has attached a fully-functional mini basketball net.  Paper towels and toilet paper make great rugs.  This is cutting-edge stuff.

There is an intriguing sculpture underneath my oven.  I call it "Still Life with Froot Loops and Yellow Truck".

I dedicate this post to my brilliant grandson, the best designer I know. I love him and love seeing the world through his eyes. Don't ask to borrow him, ladies...he's mine!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Inquiring minds want to know...

Meesta Reekie, you have a point!  How are people gonna know where I'm coming from until I explain where I've been?  
  • Name:  There is a cult snuggled down in a suburb of Philadelphia, hiding in plain sight.  It's surrounded by a neighborhood of yuppies who go shopping at the Gateway Shopping Center, slurping Starbucks, browsing Trader Joe's in their tennis togs.  The culties look just like you.  Except maybe for the tennis.  The name?  "Covenant Presbyterian Church".  Of course you now ask "How can this be a cult with such a mainstream churchie name?"  Fact: It simply serves as good camouflage.  The more "normal" the name sounds, the more rubes you lure in!  Let's face it.  When you're searching the Yellow Pages for a place of worship who are you gonna pick?  Hmmmm....."Covenant Presbyterian" or "The Exalted Brotherhood of the Holy Lint-Lickers"?  Whuuuut?
  • Structure:  Resembles the Presbyterian layout as far as leaders being called "elders" instead of "pastors".  There the similarity ends.  It is not part of any "Synod" or administrative group to whom they are held accountable.  The real leaders were the married couple who split (were ejected?) from another church to start their own gig.  Everybody else is pretty much spiritual cannon fodder.  Incidentally, the husband of this dynamic duo finally got the sh!Ts of the whole thing and left.  So "MOM", as they all call her, runs the show now.  It is considered a privilege to speak to her on the phone.  People compete for the right to sit beside her or at her feet.  Anyone who doesn't try hard enough to grab that honored spot runs the risk of having their motives or sincerity questioned.  Don't let that happen. Trust me, it sucks.
  • Living Conditions:  The single women all lived in one house, the single men in another, both of which were owned by the leaders of the cult.  Since the cult focused on drawing in people who were at a particularly vulnerable time in their life, high school graduates or college freshmen were prime targets.  So we all were pretty much the same age.  There were a few young  married couples who managed to slip in there in the early years of the cult, but other than that it was all singles, or divorced people.  No dating went on except in groups.  I imagine it's the same kind of situation nowadays.
  • System of Beliefs:  First, let me clarify something: Cults are not about religion.  There is no religion going on here; they merely use their twisted interpretation of a religion to their own ends, usually to gain control over a person through fear and self-loathing, either for financial gain or the sick need to have a group of people desperately needing you to survive.  The cult I was in enforced the notion that the wife was pretty much the husband's property right down to the clothing on her back.  She must submit to him in all things.  We never had the luxury of saying. "Not tonight, honey...I have a headache!"  This cult was the only place you could go to attain salvation.  We were told that God had reserved the hottest part of Hell for anyone who dared to leave.  So many negative things were drilled into our heads on a daily basis and such tremendous pressure was put on you to agree with everything they told you, that eventually you just lost your identity and sense of self.  You were lower than the lowest worm in the dirt; completely unworthy of love.  We were so disgustingly grateful to get a little special attention from one of the leaders and they kept us that way.  They were the only family we had left since we were expected to break away from our families.  Some of us hadn't seen or spoken to our relatives in years.  You came to feel totally dependent on the leaders, and terrified of being "out there" in the world.
  • As far as I can recall, there were bible studies three nights a week, attendance mandatory.  In addition, married women had a bible study during the day while the kids were in school.  Every day.  Attendance mandatory.  TV sets and radios were turned off promptly at midnight on Saturday, which is when the Sabbath began.  You better have all your assigned cooking for the Sunday meals done before then.  Sunday was an all-day experience.  First came morning worship service, then lunch, then we split up into study groups.  Men went with the male leader and talked about whatever humiliating subject was chosen for them.  Women naturally hung out with "Mom", hung on her every word, and discussed everyone's failures, shortcomings, etc, be they emotional, physical, sexual.  They usually found something.  If they didn't, they made something up.  There was no privacy in these things.  During bible studies there would be the "hot seat" in which the lucky person was subjected to humiliation and accusations.  Things were brought up which you thought you had told someone in confidence.  You learned there was nothing of your own.  Not your thoughts, not your emotions.  Everything you did was wrong.  After a while you just go along to make it stop.  I usually tried to keep a blank expression on my face to avoid notice.  I also devised the habit of singing songs to myself inside my head to keep from going crazy.  To tune them out as much as possible.
Incidentally, my ex-husband has recently returned to this cult!  I can only feel pity for him that he is so damaged that he needs to return to his abusers, and I feel sad for my children who have essentially lost their father.  

Okay, Rickie:  My writer's block is officially I have writer's cramp, dad blast ya!! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to Speak Like a Cultie.


Get out your notebooks and turn to page one. We're going to review the glossary of cult-speak!

CultA group of people who insist they aren't a cult.

HeavenA nice place which is apparently going to be very roomy since only about 32 people will get in (12 disciples and about 20 culties).

Hell: A really warm, crowded area located somewhere in the nether regions, possibly beneath Centralia, PA. There will be weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth...and you.  Mother Teresa and Jeanne D'Arc will be there to keep you company along with those African pygmies.  Don't worry - your sweet little grandma will be there too.

Christmas:  That special time of year when the culties ignore their children in order to spend lots of quality time and heaps of money on presents for the truly deserving, namely the cult leader and his family.  This is a really good lesson for the kids because everyone knows that toys and Christmas trees will make them too worldly.  Also, Santa is the devil.

Worldliness:  A state of being in which a person is actually having fun and doesn't need the cult.  Just one of the many reasons why you are going straight to hell.

Husband: A person of the male persuasion who owns a lot of livestock, a.k.a. wife and children. 

Discipline:  A specialty of the husband, who is free to add a little variety to this cult-endorsed activity.  Spin the wheel of fortune!  It could land on hitting with hand or stick, particularly effective on children and wives.  Or if wifey is especially disobedient, (perhaps she's been caught watching TV on a Sunday), you can lock her out of the house all day and refuse to feed her.  Keep it up until she is inspired to attend bible study and confess the evil of her ways.  (but don't hold your breath on that one)  Get creative!  Use your imagination, there's a good fellow!

Being a "born again Christian":  A rather elusive condition reserved for the cult leaders to bestow or remove at their discretion.  Hey!  I think it's time for a song!

  First you is a Christian, then you ain't a Christian, then you is!         
(Sung to Donovan's "First There is a Mountain"):

Repeat ad infinitum or until the cult kicks you out.

Witnessing:  This one is fun and strongly recommended!  Make sure you tell all your family members living "on the outside" that they are going to hell.  It's for their own good!  Make sure you're eloquent because after they "react" you won't be seeing your "heathen" family ever again.

Reacting: Getting pissed for any reason whatsoever.  This can also include having an unauthorized expression on your face.  If you've been in a cult long enough, by the time you get out you will have mastered the ultimate poker face, so it's all good.

The Hot Seat:  The special chair or a crowded portion of the dining room floor where you will sit while 30 other culties surround you and pry out your most humiliating secrets and failures.  If you can't come up with any on your own, don't worry...they make a few up just for you.  Because they love you.

The One True Church of God: THEY are, you big dummy!

Heathens: Everybody else, of course!

Forbidden activities: Basic rule of thumb...if it's fun or feels good it's probably a no-no.  Going somewhere unaccompanied by another cultie?  Unwise.  Las Vegas? You gotta be kidding!  Skinny dipping?  Like hell you will!  Seeing a movie before the cult leaders give it the seal of approval?  Boy, you're just asking for it.

And worst of all, don't even think about, uh, spanking the monkey.  Choking the chicken is going to get you into some serious trouble, dude.  That goes for you too, ladies.  Interfering with yourself is nothing but the slippery slope to Hades.

Come on now, let's just end this post with a little common sense:  If God didn't want us to masturbate He would have made our arms shorter....right?

Friday, January 6, 2012

More Neat Stuff:

This post would probably piss off a great many of my in-laws if they ever saw it, but I just had to share a link to a certain book because you simply must read it!  Ms. Abrahams' book is outrageous, funny, sad....and true. Recommended reading if you're curious about life inside a cult.

Check this out on AMAZON: I'm Perfect, You're Doomed: Tales from a Jehovah's Witness Upbringing,
by Kyria Abrahams

Monday, January 2, 2012

The "Cold Cruel World" myth debunked.

A dear friend of mine recently lost her mother to a long illness and we all rushed to comfort her and offer our support. As I watched the list of loving comments on her Facebook page expand past the double digits, I was struck by the level of compassion being shown by us "hellbound heathens".

I remember one fellow cult member's harrowing ordeal. This young man, I'll call him T.S., was a sensitive and intelligent fellow with a good sense of humor. I think if I'd known him "out here" we would have been pals. Poor T.S. was at his parents' house one night when his father succumbed to a heart attack.  It was one of those tragic and all too common situations where Dad tells himself all night long that it's indigestion until he's suddenly on the floor. Mom is justifiably freaking out so T.S. takes charge and dials up the ambulance (this was the pre-digital age), but it arrives too late to save his father.

Did the cult comfort him? Oh, they "comforted" the s##t out of him. While his father is at the undertaker's, poor T.S. is on the "hot seat" surrounded by people telling him that :
#1- He is a bad son,
#2- Dear Old Dad is burning in hell for all eternity, which is T.S.'s fault, and
#3- He messed up completely by not calling the ambulance sooner, so his father's death? Yes, you guessed it...also T.S.'s fault.

"How cruel", you say?  Just S.O.P. for them.
T.S., wherever you are, I hope you made it out of there and discovered for yourself, as have I, that what the cult insisted was a horrible, evil, Satanic world is actually a place full of incredible beauty with millions of kind, forgiving people just waiting to meet you!

Many, many thanks to my family and friends, "heathens" all, according to cult standards. You have taught me the true meaning of love.